
Hi there!

I’m David Perry, a photographer, programmer, nature-lover, lifelong learner, and general nerd. I dabble with a lot of things, but the one you’ll find the most of here is my photography. I do technical high-detail work that involves a lot of computational post-processing.

Specifically, I’m into computational techniques that treat images as raw data and combine multiple decent shots into one amazing shot. Focus stacking, deep sky stacking, high-res panorama tiling, that sort of thing. I do occasionally use regular everyday Photoshop or fancy AI tools, but I try to minimize their use and carefully critique their outputs as it’s important to me that my work closely represent reality and that I never invent detail that doesn’t actually exist.

If there is a theme to my work, it is that whole worlds of beauty and intricate detail are all around us, and that technology can reveal them. My subjects are not rare or unique. My techniques are not incomprehensible. My equipment is not expensive. With time and effort, you could take these very same images – and I think that’s beautiful.


I like to take pictures of much smaller things at much shorter distances than the lens designers intended, at high resolution and magnification, employing focus stacking and an occasional touch of AI to maximize sharpness and detail while maintaining an eye for accuracy. The natural world offers many excellent subjects, but I’ve been known to shoot man-made objects as well. Much of my work in this realm rewards those who view the full-resolution image and zoom in deeply.


I also like to take pictures of things much further away from the lens than the designers intended. That’s factually untrue, as most lenses can focus at or even beyond infinity, but it has nice symmetry with the previous wording so I’m keeping it.

The night sky is beautiful, but very hard to see through the hazy skies of Las Vegas, the city that took the concept of light pollution as a personal challenge. It’s only through large quantities of careful imaging and heavy post-processing that I’m able to see most stars at all. Some day I’ll get to a proper dark site…

Nature & Landscapes

One of my favorite things is to get out into nature. I love hiking, camping, biking, rafting – even just sitting in a park can be an excellent escape from urban/suburban life. I’m a huge fan of animals of every variety. I have a small menagerie at home and am always looking for new natural hotspots for weekends and vacations.

I live in Las Vegas, so the local flora and fauna aren’t exactly abundant and varied, but you’d be surprised what you can still find within city limits, and how short a trip it is to some truly wild places. The deserts of the American Southwest are an amazing place and make up the bulk of my wanderings, but I do make the occasional trip to other regions.


Below is an album representing what I believe to be the best of my work, to date. These images are in chronological order, with the newest at the top. Thank you for visiting my site. If you like what you see, maybe consider ordering a print or two!

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standardBITPIX  =                   20 / number of bits per data pixelNAXIS   =                    3 / number of data axesNAXIS1  =                 5863 / length of data axis 1NAXIS2  =                 3885 / length of data axis 2NAXIS3  =                    3 / length of data axis 3EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensionsCOMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359HBZERO   =                    0 / offset data range to that of unsigned shortBSCALE  =                    1 / default scaling factorDATE    = '2024-06-10T05:33:48' / UTC date that FITS file was createdDATE-OBS= '2024-06-08T01:36:44' / YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss observation start, UTINSTRUME= '        '           / instrument nameOBSERVER= '        '           / observer nameTELESCOP= '        '           / telescope used to acquire this imageROWORDER= 'TOP-DOWN'           / Order of the rows in image arrayXPIXSZ  =                    9 / X pixel size micronsYPIXSZ  =                    9 / Y pixel size micronsXBINNING=                    1 / Camera binning modeYBINNING=                    1 / Camera binning modeCCD-TEMP=                    0 / CCD temp in CSET-TEMP=                    0 / Temperature setting in CEXPTIME =                    0 / Exposure time [s]APERTURE=                    0 / Aperture of the instrumentHISTORY TOP-DOWN mirrorHISTORY GHS pivot: 0.175, amount: 5.32, local: 2.37 [0.00 1.00]HISTORY SCNR (type=average neutral, amount=1.00, preserve=true)HISTORY Background neutralizationHISTORY Asinh Transformation: (stretch=   4.0, bp=0.06369)HISTORY CLAHE (size=8, clip=1.50)HISTORY Wavelets TransformationHISTORY Saturation enhancement (amount=0.50)HISTORY Saturation enhancement (amount=0.32)HISTORY Crop (x=97, y=54, w=5863, h=3885)END
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standardBITPIX = 20 / number of bits per data pixelNAXIS = 3 / number of data axesNAXIS1 = 5863 / length of data axis 1NAXIS2 = 3885 / length of data axis 2NAXIS3 = 3 / length of data axis 3EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensionsCOMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in ‘AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics’, volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A…376..359HBZERO = 0 / offset data range to that of unsigned shortBSCALE = 1 / default scaling factorDATE = ‘2024-06-10T05:33:48’ / UTC date that FITS file was createdDATE-OBS= ‘2024-06-08T01:36:44’ / YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss observation start, UTINSTRUME= ‘ ‘ / instrument nameOBSERVER= ‘ ‘ / observer nameTELESCOP= ‘ ‘ / telescope used to acquire this imageROWORDER= ‘TOP-DOWN’ / Order of the rows in image arrayXPIXSZ = 9 / X pixel size micronsYPIXSZ = 9 / Y pixel size micronsXBINNING= 1 / Camera binning modeYBINNING= 1 / Camera binning modeCCD-TEMP= 0 / CCD temp in CSET-TEMP= 0 / Temperature setting in CEXPTIME = 0 / Exposure time [s]APERTURE= 0 / Aperture of the instrumentHISTORY TOP-DOWN mirrorHISTORY GHS pivot: 0.175, amount: 5.32, local: 2.37 [0.00 1.00]HISTORY SCNR (type=average neutral, amount=1.00, preserve=true)HISTORY Background neutralizationHISTORY Asinh Transformation: (stretch= 4.0, bp=0.06369)HISTORY CLAHE (size=8, clip=1.50)HISTORY Wavelets TransformationHISTORY Saturation enhancement (amount=0.50)HISTORY Saturation enhancement (amount=0.32)HISTORY Crop (x=97, y=54, w=5863, h=3885)END
Lagoon Nebula (M8), true color
Lagoon Nebula (M8), true color
Flaming Star, Tadpoles, and Spider Nebulae
Flaming Star, Tadpoles, and Spider Nebulae
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
Grand Canyon North Rim Overlook
Grand Canyon North Rim Overlook
Sunset from Grand Canyon North Rim
Sunset from Grand Canyon North Rim
Raven, Grand Canyon North Rim
Raven, Grand Canyon North Rim
Sunset, Grand Canyon North Rim
Sunset, Grand Canyon North Rim
Bright Angel Point and Grand Lodge, Grand Canyon North Rim
Bright Angel Point and Grand Lodge, Grand Canyon North Rim
Grand Canyon North Rim Overlook
Grand Canyon North Rim Overlook
Lichen on Stone
Lichen on Stone
Lisa at the Grand Canyon North Rim
Lisa at the Grand Canyon North Rim
Sphex Lucae Wasp
Sphex Lucae Wasp
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Flame Skimmer Dragonfly
Flame Skimmer Dragonfly
Apache Paper Wasp
Apache Paper Wasp
New Mexico Thistle
New Mexico Thistle
Screwbean mesquite pods
Screwbean mesquite pods
Railroad Tie Cabin at Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Railroad Tie Cabin at Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Stream at Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Stream at Desert National Wildlife Refuge
M101 with SN2023 supernova
M101 with SN2023 supernova
M101 with SN2023 supernova, HaGB
M101 with SN2023 supernova, HaGB
Leafhopper assassin bug, pre-adult
Leafhopper assassin bug, pre-adult
Leafhopper assassin bug, pre-adult
Leafhopper assassin bug, pre-adult
Firecracker Penstemon
Firecracker Penstemon
Echo Azure Butterfly
Echo Azure Butterfly
Cactus Coreid Bugs
Cactus Coreid Bugs
Chambers' Twinpod
Chambers’ Twinpod
Bruneau Mariposa Lily
Bruneau Mariposa Lily
Weidemeyer's Admiral Butterfly
Weidemeyer’s Admiral Butterfly
Stansbury's Cliffrose
Stansbury’s Cliffrose
Jaeger's Ivesia
Jaeger’s Ivesia
Milky Way Core over Las Vegas City Lights - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Milky Way Core over Las Vegas City Lights – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
North Lake - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
North Lake – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Clark's Grebe - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Clark’s Grebe – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Great Blue Heron - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Great Blue Heron – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Zebra-Tailed Lizard - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Zebra-Tailed Lizard – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Variegated Meadowhawk - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Variegated Meadowhawk – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Zebra-Tailed Lizard - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Zebra-Tailed Lizard – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Black-Throated Sparrow - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Black-Throated Sparrow – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Common Raven - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Common Raven – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Western Pygmy-Blue Butterfly on Desert Marigold - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Western Pygmy-Blue Butterfly on Desert Marigold – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Checkered White Butterfly on Russian Knapweed - Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Checkered White Butterfly on Russian Knapweed – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Desert Cottontail Rabbit - Pueblo Park
Desert Cottontail Rabbit – Pueblo Park
Desert Cottontail Rabbit - Pueblo Park
Desert Cottontail Rabbit – Pueblo Park
Gambel's Quail - Pueblo Park
Gambel’s Quail – Pueblo Park
Gambel's Quail with Chick - Pueblo Park
Gambel’s Quail with Chick – Pueblo Park
Twisted Log - Cathedral Rock Trail, Mt Charleston
Twisted Log – Cathedral Rock Trail, Mt Charleston
Cathedral Rock Trail Vista - Mt Charleston
Cathedral Rock Trail Vista – Mt Charleston
Echo Cliff - Mt Charleston
Echo Cliff – Mt Charleston
Palmer's Chipmunk - Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Palmer’s Chipmunk – Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Mt Charleston Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel - Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Mt Charleston Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel – Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Mt Charleston Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel - Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Mt Charleston Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel – Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Mt Charleston Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel - Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Mt Charleston Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel – Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Mt Charleston Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel - Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Mt Charleston Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel – Cathedral Rock, Mt Charleston
Anna's Hummingbird - Red Rock
Anna’s Hummingbird – Red Rock
Anna's Hummingbird - Red Rock
Anna’s Hummingbird – Red Rock
Yellow-Backed Spiny Lizards - Red Rock
Yellow-Backed Spiny Lizards – Red Rock
House Sparrow - Red Rock
House Sparrow – Red Rock
Creosote Flowers - Red Rock
Creosote Flowers – Red Rock
Burned Tree - Red Rock
Burned Tree – Red Rock
Creosote Pods
Creosote Pods
Bladder Sage
Bladder Sage
Rabbit Digging - Desert Shores
Rabbit Digging – Desert Shores
Mallards - Desert Shores
Mallards – Desert Shores
Muscovy Duck - Desert Shores
Muscovy Duck – Desert Shores
Muscovy Duck - Desert Shores
Muscovy Duck – Desert Shores
Muscovy Duck - Desert Shores
Muscovy Duck – Desert Shores
Muscovy Duck - Desert Shores
Muscovy Duck – Desert Shores
Muscovy Duckling - Desert Shores
Muscovy Duckling – Desert Shores
Great-Tailed Grackle Couple - Desert Shores
Great-Tailed Grackle Couple – Desert Shores
Vela Supernova Remnant
Vela Supernova Remnant
Shopping Complex - Desert Shores
Shopping Complex – Desert Shores
Centaurus A Galaxy
Centaurus A Galaxy
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
Blood Moon Eclipse
Blood Moon Eclipse
Great Barred Spiral Galaxy
Great Barred Spiral Galaxy